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Monday, 13 July 2015

Mosaic Mania!

This past term has been filled with team work led mosaics!
Both the 5/6s and the 3/4s have had the chance to design and put together a mosaic.
The  5/6s designed a mosaic during their inquiry in class. They then used their arts time to put the mosaic together. With the help of work experience students and staff we grouted, and finished the project by the end of term, which was a major accomplishment! I am really proud of the students and staff alike in the time they put in to make it possible. 

Stay tuned for the final unveiling of the awesome 5/6 mosaic pieces! :-)

The 3/4s mosaics are not quite done yet, they need to be grouted still .....but here's a sneak peak of some of the hard work the students have been doing.

These mosaics were made along side the awesome science teacher in my school, during team teaching of science and art. Shout out to the awesome PE teacher at my school too for combining classes to help break all those recycled tiles! These mosaics will be turned into planter boxes, and the students will plant during their science time.
The mosaic unit was a huge unit for me, and pushed me to really use my prior knowledge of my arts background. It allowed for team work in both the specialist teams, and in the grade levels. I am so excited to see the final products of both the students and staffs hard work!